Well now! A busy few days for us! A lot of photos this time so downloading could take a while. We bummed around Melbourne for a few days, taking in the sights and generally chilling out. We are really terrible for not seeing more touristy things in the cities but by the time we get to them, all we want to do is wander around and get a feel for the city itself (and check out the shops). We did make it out to St. Kilda in Melbourne where we topped up our ever decreasing tan. Here's a photo of some kite surfers in St. Kilda:
Some of these guys were flying high into the air - extremely cool!
We got a relocation deal to bring a four wheel drive camper from Melbourne to Adelaide (5 dollars a day!) so we picked up and packed up and headed for the Great Ocean Road. See!
We stopped off at Anglesea golf course as we heard that they had resident kangaroos that lounge about near the fairway. Sure enough:
They say they have to hire a team of young lads to retrieve golf balls from the kangaroos pouches every evening. The kangaroos think that they are duck eggs and collect them for the winter.
Don't believe a word it.
We drove further along the Great Ocean Road stopping occasionally to see the sights and take photos. Here's one of The Twelve Apostles:
There's only six of them left - they're slowly being eroded by the sea. Ahhhhh.
You haven't seen a photo of the new van yet. It wasn't as roomy or comfortable as Hyacinth as you can see:
Cooking outdoors was a bit of a pain but the V8 engine was a lot of fun!
We just managed to eat in time for sundown. And what a sundown it was!
We continued on the next day and drove on towards Adelaide. Here's me in the morning with the van and an empty water bottle (just an excuse to show a profile of the van).
So, we're in Adelaide now where we've spent a few days. The temperature is in the mid thirties but we're not complaining. We getting a six berth behemoth of a camper van tomorrow and we're driving to Alice Springs. It's supposed to have three double beds, a shower, a toilet, an oven, a T.V., loads of stuff! All for 1 dollar a night! Hard to beat! Will update when we get to Alice! Oh yeah - Happy Mothers day to all the mothers out there!
1 comment:
Thank you for posting such a useful, impressive and a wicked article./Wow.. looking good!
Campervan Relocations
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