A lot of photos here folks so it could take a while to download! Today was a day of activities so we went to the Agrodome just outside of Rotorua and took a few years off our collective lives. First we went Zorbing - for those who don't know what Zorbing is - it's basically jumping into a rubber ball within another rubber ball and being fecked down a hill with a load of water thrown in. Both myself and Su decided to do our Zorbing separately - I though I'd kill Su with my weight and general bigness and Su thought her sharp elbows and knees would render me half the man I used to be. So after a long enough wait we Zorbed! Su's Zorb ball wasn't too transparent so you couldn't see here through it but here's a photo of her afterwards. She's so cute:
I should just mention that the title of this blog is called "Triple By-Pass" because we decided to do a 3 in 1 deal which got us a Zorb, a Swoop, and an Agrojet in one package - all will be explained. With Zorbing, there are three ways you can do it - one being strapped in with a harness (which we couldn't do that day), one going as a couple going straight down the hill (which we decided against for reasons explained above), and one which is a single Zorb on a zig-zag track down the hill. We waited for a lot of people doing it before us and not one had gone off the track. Then steps up McGrath:
I wasn't suppose to go over the hump. It turned out ok though - I was perfectly in control...
Zorbing is great!
Believe it or not, Zorbing was the least terrifying part of the TRIPLE BY-PASS!
Next we moved on to the Swoop. Sounds innocuous but it's not. You are put in a sleeping bag together (don't worry - we were fully clothed) and raised over 40 meters into the air by a cable and then swung at over 130 kilometres an hour over and back. I hope these photos do it justice - looking a Su's face in these crack me up every time.
Someone has to pull the cord to begin the Swoop - if Su had to do it we'd still be up there:
Good craic!
We went on the Agrojet after that - which I think is a jet powered boat. The pictures don't really do it justice but it reached up to 100km per hour in 4 seconds. Here's a photo anyway. We are going to do it in Queenstown when we get there which is supposed to be even better (so we hear):
After all that we decided it was time to relax so we went to to Waikite thermal baths for some sun and relaxation. These springs come out of the ground at around boiling point and are cooled by being sprinkled up in the air and collecting in a pool before trickling down into baths at around 38 degrees. I knew it wasn't time for my 6 bi-annual bath but I went anyway. Here's a picture of the boiling stream and waterfall leading down to the baths:
Right - enough was enough. Time to get our grub on so we went back to the D.O.C site and after getting our lake-side camping site we cooked up a storm on the free-to-use public barbecue. We had steak - we had spuds - we had carrot wrapped in tinfoil cooked with balsamic.... heaven!
I mean, with a view like that out your kitchen, could you go wrong?